Top 5 Essential Skills to Make Money Online: A Beginner’s Guide to Success

Top 5 Essential Skills to Make Money Online: A Beginner's Guide to Success

In this video, I’m going to share the top five skills you need to make money online

In this video, I’m going to share the top five skills you need to make money online based on my real experiences and what I will suggest you do, even if you are starting as a complete beginner and want to succeed online. My name is Mikael, and I’ve had an online business for seven or eight years, and I have tested hundreds of different ways to make money online. So what I will share in this video here is actually based on real experiences and not just some kind of theory because I do have an online business myself, and I’ve made money online for years. So let’s now just get to it and go over these five skills you should definitely focus on to succeed in.

The Best Skills to Earn Money Online

Skill 1: Mindset

The first thing I want to talk about is the mindset because you do need to have the right mindset to make money online no matter what your income goals are. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re just looking to earn some extra money on the side or whether you are looking to make a full-time income or scale it to become rich online. You do need to have the right mindset for your goals. And the wrong mindset is, in my experience, and I’ve worked with hundreds of people that start making money online, and the number one reason when people fail is that they have the wrong mindset.

So first of all, you need to actually want it. And if you actually really want it, then you can also find a way to make it happen because many people think they actually want it but they want it in the way that they’re just like, “Oh, I would love to make a full-time income online or make some extra money online, but I don’t really want to make an effort. I don’t really want to prioritize this.” Well, then you don’t want it bad enough. You need to take it seriously no matter what your goals are and then go for those goals and remember why you’re doing it.

Because, for example, if you know that you’re doing this because you want more time with your family, you want more freedom, you want to work on your own terms, remember that if you don’t do anything, then nothing will change. And for me, that’s a great motivator. When there’s sometimes things I don’t feel like doing, I just remember, well, if I don’t do this, then the alternative will be that nothing will actually happen, nothing will change.

I use that a lot when I first started making money online, so you need to know that you will find a way even if you fail because basically any successful online entrepreneur that I know and that I’ve ever heard of has failed many times with many different things. That is a part of building a business. Not everything will work, so do not let it stop you just because you encounter a small technical error or something that doesn’t work. If you want to make money online, you will fail with some things. But you need to know that you will find a way to make it happen and to succeed.

Skill 2: Goal Setting

The second skill you need is goal setting because you need to set your goals realistically, and the road you choose depends on whether you just want to earn a couple of hundred dollars extra per month, for example, or if you want to create a business where you can work whenever you want to and potentially earn $5,000-$10,000 per month or even more. So set some realistic goals.

A realistic goal is not that I want to earn $100 a day starting today without any effort. That’s not realistic. If you want to earn some extra money, then you say, “Okay, I want to, for example, earn $200 extra per month starting here. Maybe, even eventually once I have that, I want to reinvest it. Then I want to build it into a potentially full-time income. And I’m willing to spend 3-6 months working on this and continue.”

So goals are not just about the amount you want to earn. It is what you want to achieve. So say, “Okay, my goal is, for example, to earn extra money on the side.” Well, then you need to choose one set of earning methods, and I’ll talk more about how you can do that later and which methods I recommend. But if you then want to start a business where you potentially can earn a lot of money online and make a living and all that, then there are other things you need to prioritize.

And then, of course, the effort you need to put in will also be different. And if you want huge results, then you should also expect that it will take longer before you start seeing results and you’ll need to put more time and effort. So be realistic. Don’t just expect that you can become rich online without any effort and fast. That’s not how it works. And if you believe that, you’ll just end up getting scammed.

Skill 3: Adaptability

The third skill I wanted to talk about is to be able to adapt because this is now more necessary than ever because a lot of ways to earn online have changed just in the past few years because of many different reasons. For example, because of AI, especially if you’re trying to start an online business like a full-time income business, then there’s just so many things that have changed with how the different traffic sources work and all these different things.

So you need to keep learning to be able to adapt. And you need to be aware that when one opportunity closes, others will also open up, and you need to have an open mind to see this. Because if you’re not able to adapt, then even if you succeed, then it will, in most cases, be for a limited time because there are so many changes, so be able to see when changes happen and be willing to also adapt to those changes.

Skill 4: Time Management

The fourth skill is time management because time just has a tendency to disappear. I’m sure you can relate to that also. So make a schedule, and again, this doesn’t actually matter whether you want to make a full-time business or create a full-time business income or if you want to make some extra money on the side. Make sure you actually take the time to do it because I’ve seen it so many times.

People say, “Oh, I want to make money online, and I do it whenever I can.” And then you really ask them, and then it turns out they spend half an hour once a week for the last two months, and they don’t understand they haven’t seen results. So set your goals, as mentioned, and then set aside time to actually reach those goals. It can be daily. It can be weekly. That all depends on your schedule.

Of course, the beauty of earning online, whether it’s a side income or a full-time business, is that you can plan it around your own time and your own schedule. And most of us spend at least half an hour, an hour, sometimes a couple of hours watching TV, scrolling through social media on your phone, doing things like that, or just waiting in line sometimes, right? And time like that, like set that aside to then use that to learn and to earn.

Skill 5: Taking Action

The last skill I want to talk about is to take action because without action, nothing will happen. It’s all connected, and that means once you have your goals, once you know what to expect, and once you have the right mindset, then you need to translate all that into taking action. Because if you’re not taking action, you won’t see any results.

And I see it so often. People just, even when you find the right things you want to learn, you start learning and all that, but then to translate it into actually doing the things you need to do, to do the tasks you need to do, to build an online business or to do the tasks you need to do if you want to earn a side income. For some reason, it just seems hard for people. So when you set aside the time, then those times where you’re doing that, then you also take action. You should not let yourself get distracted by anything else. Just take action to achieve your goals.

Final Thoughts

So that is, in my opinion, the five skills you really need to be able to have success online, whether you’re looking to create a side income or a potential full-time income or more. If you want to know more about my top recommended way to then actually build a full-time income, then I will leave a link below so you can learn more about that.

And if what you’re interested in is to just earn some extra money on the side, then I do have an email course completely free. You can sign up to where you will get several emails that will guide you through the hundreds of different methods that I’ve tested, how to get started with them easily, and all that. So I’ll also leave a link to that below so you can check that out and choose depending on what your income goals are.

But no matter what, I hope this video helped you. And if it did, make sure to hit the like button and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the notification bell so you won’t miss out next time I release a video with tips and tricks about different ways to make money online.

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