Fixing Microsoft Store Not Downloading Apps or Games
We’ll guide you through how to fix the Microsoft Store not downloading apps or games. If you find this useful, then please consider subscribing and liking the video.
Check Storage Space
So first of all, do just make sure you’ve got enough storage on your computer. Come to the bottom and click on search. You can go and type in storage, and you can go to storage settings. Now you can go and see how much space you’ve got. As you can see, I’ve got 60 GB free, which should be plenty for most apps. You can always go and clear some storage by going into temporary files and clearing them. Otherwise, you can just go and delete other files and other apps as well.
Close and Reset Microsoft Store
However, if that doesn’t fix your problem, then go and close off the Microsoft Store. You want to come to the bottom of your computer and then search for Microsoft Store. You want to right-click on it and click on app settings. It will take a moment to load. Then all you need to do is scroll down and click on terminate, just so it completely stops.
Now what we’re going to do is try repairing it. Click on repair and wait for it to do its thing. Once it’s finished, we’re also going to go and reset it as well, just while we’re here. Now just go and wait. Once this is finished, then you can try running it again.
Uninstall and Reinstall Microsoft Store
Now you can come to the bottom, open up the Store, and go and see if you’re now able to download apps or games. See if it’s working. However, if it still isn’t, then what I recommend we do is uninstall the Store and reinstall it. To do that, come to the bottom, click on search, and type in PowerShell. All you want to do is right-click on it and run it as administrator. You will get a Windows cue popup which you need to agree to.
Now go into the description of this video and copy the first command. Right-click, and it will paste it. Then it will run. If I go and search for Microsoft Store, as you can see, it’s not appearing. Now copy the next command line and right-click in PowerShell to paste it and press enter. It should then run like so.
Then what you can do is come to the bottom of your computer, and you should see the Microsoft Store. Now you can go and open it up and see if the problem is now resolved and if you can download apps.
I hope you found this useful and that it solved your problem.