Hey everyone, it’s Tom here with and I hope you’re all having a fantastic day today. Get paid $ per day just for listening to music. Earn $ for every single Spotify song you listen to. Turn your playlists into easy passive income.
Is This a Scam?
Guys, there’s been plenty of viral videos going around lately that claim you can make super easy money by listening to music on Spotify, Apple Music, and even YouTube Music. As someone who listens to music pretty much all day when I work, this sounds like a passive income dream come true. But is this music side hustle video going around a scam? Is it legit? Well, welcome back to another episode of Scam or Legit, where I put popular viral side hustles to the test. In this episode, I’m testing out a claim and site that says you can make up to $ per day by listening to music and completing other tasks. It’s super weird and there are some pretty interesting red flags, so you’re going to want to watch this one and stay tuned, because at the end of the video, I’m also covering some much better alternatives you can try, including one that’s letting some people listen to music full time. You don’t want to miss it. Let’s get to it. All right guys, you know the drill.
How This Side Hustle Works
You know how Scam or Legit works – I’m going to start off by introducing the side hustle, the viral videos going around, and then I’ll dissect it, test it, and share my results so you know if you have to avoid it or not.
The Main Video
One of the main videos going around lately is from a channel called CashPro, which is actually a very popular SLE channel I’ve covered before in two previous episodes of Scam or Legit. This video is titled Earn $ a Day Listening to Songs – Make Money Online. So just watching the video, and also based on the thumbnail, the video is claiming that you can earn upwards of $ for listening to songs in your spare time and earn $ a day or more by doing so. And all of this happens by using a website called Bewave Work, which is basically a freelancing microtask platform where you can allegedly get paid real cash to complete easy tasks in your spare time.
CashPro has failed in its last two episodes of Scam or Legit, and it might go three for three for this one, so I signed up for Bewave Work and I spent a couple of days testing it out and here’s what I found.
Signing Up for Bewave Work
First of all, to get started, all you have to do is sign up for Bewave Work with your email or Gmail account. It’s free to sign up for and pretty simple – it’s like any other GPT or microtask site. From there, there are all kinds of different interesting tasks you can complete to begin earning and you find these under your task hull. There are all kinds of tasks including ghostwriting gigs, downloading apps, liking things on social media, leaving Google business reviews, and music promotion.
Music Promotion on Bewave Work
Under this Music Promotion tab, you find a lot of offers that pay you a couple of dollars for basically searching for music on YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, and then adding it to your liked list of songs. Now, this might seem sketchy, but this is actually a legit way that artists out there promote their music. There is actually a lot of paid promotion in the music industry, and a lot of people do buy likes for their albums or songs. So this isn’t completely out of the question, and there are also some pretty high-paying rates. As you can see, I mean, you can get $ apparently for adding songs to your like list or as high as $ in my account just to listen to some songs and like them.
I completed a few offers and it’s pretty simple. All you have to do is copy and open a link to the given track, add it to your liked songs, take a screenshot of you doing that, and then upload the screenshot for proof of completion. From there, you can see your pending tasks because once you submit your screenshot, they have to get approved by Bewave Work’s team, and you can then see your completed tasks and the money that has been credited to your account.
Earnings So Far
Now as you can see, I have some pending tasks I’m waiting for verification on and then some completed tasks too. It was super promising at the start. I mean, I earned $ for a Spotify song, $ for a YouTube song, and $ for another YouTube song, but now let’s cover where this video, CashPro, and this whole thing kind of falls apart. Because this thing is insane – I’ve never seen such a red flag in a side hustle site before. So let’s get to it.
Is This Legit?
The Big Problem
All of the problems start to arise when you actually try and cash out and get paid from Bewave Work. As you can see, I have a daily in-progress taskbar, and it shows that I can earn a maximum of $ per day. This is known as my task quota, and under Bewave Work’s free plan, which you get on when you first sign up, it’s basically saying, “Okay, you’re a free member, the most you can earn per day is $.” Honestly, this didn’t sound too bad at first because that’s still $ a month just by listening to songs and then adding them to your library.
However, there’s a serious catch: people on Bewave Work’s free plan aren’t eligible to cash out.
The Paid Plans and Performance Bond
Just looking at the plans here, you can see the first paid plan is called Plan A. It gives you a $ daily task quota, which is pretty nice, and it only costs $ per year. So, it might seem like a steal, but you’ll also see that it has a $ performance bond requirement (at least at the time of me making this video).
What is a Performance Bond?
So what exactly is a performance bond? Well, Bewave Work actually requires members on its paid plans to deposit their own money into the platform to kind of act as an insurance policy or bond in this case that lets them earn and actually cash out. Here’s what Bewave Work says specifically about the bond:
The performance bond is used to protect the interests of the platform and employers, preventing malicious actions by users towards tasks. Once the performance bond is made, it will be locked for X days and will unlock after this period. They also go on to say that the unlocked performance bond can be withdrawn in installments at any time, although they don’t actually tell you what these installments amount are, the time period, how much you can withdraw, and also if you take out your bond, you can’t cash out.
The Red Flags
Guys, let me tell you: this is frankly the most insane GPT microtask site scam I’ve ever encountered. First of all, I’ve basically never seen a GPT site that has an annual membership, but okay, let’s just say that $ bucks a year or whatever is fair because it lets you earn more. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt here, but a performance bond you have to deposit? That’s $ at the starting plan that you don’t even know how often you can withdraw, and withdrawing it makes it so you can’t cash out. This is a complete and utter scam – it’s insane.
The Scary Part
What happens when you can’t take that bond out? Like, who do you complain to? There’s no actual contact information really, and if you complain to the company, they don’t have to give you your money back. I mean, you’re not going to realistically sue a company over $100. It’s just not worth your time. Even for some of the higher-paid plans, I guess you could try suing them or going after them if they don’t let you cash out, but there’s really no way to get your money back. So you’re basically having to trust them.
So yeah, I earned money by listening to music, but I can’t cash out. As much as I like testing side hustle ideas, I’m not putting $100 of my own money into this site because I don’t think I’ll get it back.
Better Alternatives
Exploring Other Music Side Hustles
But anyways, guys, I don’t like ending these videos on a sour note and being all pessimistic. Like I mentioned in the intro, I want to cover some better alternatives you can use to realistically get paid by listening to music.
Apps to Get Paid to Listen to Music
You can get apps like Current Music or Slice the Pie where you can get paid small amounts of money to listen to radio stations or to review songs. Now, you’re not going to get rich with either of these GPT sites and apps, but again, you’re basically getting paid to review songs or listen to music, and they do pay out a little bit.
Playlist Push
There are also websites like Playlist Push, so if you have playlists on platforms like Spotify with a decent number of followers, you can potentially get paid to add songs to these playlists. Similarly to Bewave Work, this is pretty cool because, again, it’s part of the music promotion industry, but if you have a playlist with a lot of followers, that’s actually an asset in a way, and you can get paid to promote songs on that playlist.
Start a Music Review Channel
The final idea, which is by far my favorite, is to start some sort of music review YouTube channel or social media page. The idea here is to listen to new albums or songs or whatever genre of music you like, then share your honest feedback and thoughts, and kind of become a music reviewer of sorts.
But anyways, guys, that does it for this episode of Scam or Legit. I know it’s another kind of fail. I’ve had a lot of fails in this series recently, but these viral ideas pop up on YouTube and I really try to cover them quickly before too many people try them and get scammed or waste all of their time.
I’ll just sum up this video by saying a lot of side hustles, and also music side hustles, should probably start as some kind of passion project and not by using sketchy sites that promise you’ll make $ a day. I mean, there’s DJing at parties or clubs, there’s working at music events, busking, building playlists, music review YouTube or social media accounts. These kinds of things are legit, and yes, they take effort and you won’t make $ a day immediately, but they’re not too good to be true, and people are making decent money with them.
This is at least where you’ll find the intersection between music and money, at least in my opinion, and that’s not on sketchy sites like Bewave Work.
Anyways, hopefully, some of these ideas work out for you, and again, skip CashPro, skip Bewave Work, and please don’t try that side hustle.
That does it for this one, guys. Thank you so much for watching, as always. I hope you have a fantastic day and week, and as always, don’t forget to check out for more unique ways to make and save money. Catch you guys in the next one.