Hey everyone, it’s Tom here with this online world.com, and hope you’re all having a fantastic day today.
So, there are tons of videos out there on YouTube claiming that you can make $1,000 a day by watching videos, and there’s plenty more that claim you can make $500 or even $100 every couple of minutes just by watching videos in your spare time. Now, this sounds pretty sweet in theory. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get paid to just sit around watching Netflix all day on their couch, earning hundreds of dollars per day pretty much passively or while having some fun? But is this a legit side hustle, and can you actually make money by watching videos? Well, as someone who used to run a literal phone farm with eight-plus phones watching videos every single day, I think I know a thing or two about this kind of side hustle. That’s why in this video, I’m covering some actually legit ways you can get paid to watch videos, as well as discussing the true income potential and what you need to know about the side hustle. Let’s get to it.
How This Side Hustle Works
Let me just quickly explain how the whole idea of watching videos for money actually works, ’cause it’s a pretty unique passive income side hustle. So typically, people make money watching videos by signing up for GPT sites or “get paid to” websites. This is because a lot of GPT sites out there pay users for completing short tasks like answering surveys, downloading apps, shopping online, but also watching videos from different video reward partners they might have. So generally, all you have to do is sign up for a GPT site that has a video reward section, create an account on that partner’s website, and then you can watch videos through that portal and slowly earn passive income as you watch these videos. This is actually what I did in college when I was phone farming. And yes, I bought nine different devices, set them up in my dorm room, and installed these video reward apps that watch videos every single day to try and earn some passive income. Yeah, you know, some people have friends and hobbies during college, but I guess some people get into phone farming. Yeah, kind of sad, but anyways, you might be…
What Videos Do You Watch?
Types of Videos You Watch for Money
Wondering what kind of videos do you actually get paid to watch? Unfortunately, it’s not Netflix or HBO or the latest Blockbuster movie. Rather, you usually get paid to watch short clips and ads on different channels about topics like food, entertainment, sports, and health. And boy, are the videos ever riveting!
The video is absolutely sucky, that’s for sure. You’re definitely not going to enjoy watching any of these videos. So how on Earth do you actually get paid, and why would you bother watching them? Well, generally, people will just watch these videos on a spare device, so they’re actually not watching the videos at all, and they just rack up slow amounts of passive income for every couple of videos that they watch.
How Much You Get Paid
As for how much you get paid, usually you’re getting paid a few pennies for every 5 to 6 videos you watch. So you’re probably making about 25 to 50 cents per day if you leave a device watching videos all day long. Now, again, people usually do this with spare devices and they’re not actually watching the videos. Is this a form of advertisement fraud? Yes. Is it also hilarious? Definitely yes. But anyways, that’s the gist of how you actually get paid to watch videos for money.
Now that you know how the scale works, I’m going to cover three popular ways you can actually get paid to watch videos in your spare time if you’re interested in this passive income hustle.
The first website you could use is one called Grindabuck. I’ve actually used Grindabuck since college, and again, it lets you make money with surveys, downloading apps, and by watching videos through its video partner, Hideout TV. Just a side note: Hideout TV is one of the most popular video reward portals that’s left in this industry, so you’ll probably see it on a lot of other GPT sites if you start signing up for them. But again, it’s pretty simple: you create a Grindabuck account, you then go to Hideout TV in its video reward section, and you just start watching videos on your device to begin earning extra points. You have to have sound on and you can’t be timed out. So again, this is a bit more of an active one, but lots of people I know run it on a spare laptop or a spare phone, and yeah, you earn small amounts of points every couple of videos and ads that you watch. A Grindabuck equals $1 on this platform, and you can probably earn about maybe 25 cents to 50 cents or so just by watching videos. I used to run this in the past when I was in college, and on my best days, I’d make about a dollar, but lots of days were under that. As for rewards, you need $5 for your first cash-out and $10 for future ones. I’ve actually made over $100 with Grindabuck, so I know it pays. I know it’s legit, and the gift card options are decent. You can cash out for Amazon, PayPal, and Grindabuck also has different cryptocurrencies you can cash out with as well.
Overview of Cointiply
The second site you can use to make money by watching videos is to use a website called Cointiply. Cointiply is actually a Bitcoin faucet, and that’s what it’s best known for. I’ve actually mentioned it on this channel before in my video on websites and apps that pay you daily, but in a nutshell, Cointiply is really another GPT site with a bit of a crypto flair. So the main way to make money is to complete surveys and win small amounts of free Bitcoin by using its crypto faucet. So basically, every few hours, you can go to the crypto faucet section of the website and roll the dice and earn a random amount of free Bitcoin. Now, we’re talking fractions upon fractions of pennies, like you’re really not earning much with the crypto faucet, but that’s what the site’s known for. If you stick with it in the long run, you can earn a little bit of money that way. Cointiply also has a video reward section that’s basically the same as Grindabuck, and it also works with Hideout TV for its video rewards partner.
Earnings with Cointiply
Now again, you’re probably making under a dollar per day if you set your device up and just watch videos all day. Cointiply is nice because it has so many other earning options as well. You can get paid to download and play games, surveys, and you can even get paid for clicking on ads. It has this kind of “pay to click” offer wall, which is a little bit odd. As for rewards, Cointiply lets you cash out with Bitcoin or Dogecoin starting at $3 and $5 respectively. Now, you can cash out with PayPal or free gift cards, so Cointiply is not my favorite site, but if you’re a crypto fan, I would definitely suggest checking it out.
GGU Overview
The third platform you can use to make money watching videos is to use GGU. And pretty much, it’s the exact same as Grindabuck and Cointiply. It’s a GPT website where you can make money with surveys, by playing games, shopping online, and also by watching videos. It also works with Hideout TV, and you can earn about a few pennies every couple of videos you watch. So again, it’s really not a high-paying site, but it is very passive.
GGU Rewards and Payouts
As for rewards, you can cash out after you earn $5, and the reward options include PayPal, money, gift cards to Amazon, Target, Google Play, Walmart, Xbox, and a bunch of other companies. GGU is one of the few sites left with a pretty decent video rewards section, but again, you’re making maybe a buck a day if you get lucky, so you’re not going to become a millionaire.
Better Alternatives
Alright, so that kind of brings me to the end of this video, and I wanted to talk about really the true earning potential of this side hustle and why there’s seemingly so many content creators out there saying you can make $500 a day by watching videos. That’s actually the whole reason I made this video, is because I stumbled across this video from another creator who said, “Oh, I make 100 bucks a day passively just watching videos. It’s so much fun.” And I tested out the side hustle in college, and I just know that’s not true. After years of phone farming and after years of trying out these different websites or apps that pay you passive income for watching ads and videos and movies or whatever, you know, this is just simply not how it works. You can maybe earn a few dollars per day with this kind of hustle, and anyone who says you could earn hundreds of dollars per day is just lying and click-baiting you.
Ultimately, I think it’s a pretty fun side hustle, and phone farming in college was honestly really, really hilarious. It was fun at the time; it made 20 to 50 bucks a month. But when you factor in the time involvement, the internet usage, and device wear and tear, it’s not always clear if this passive income hustle is worth it or not. And you know, if you really want to make money with video content, I think you’re way better off starting a YouTube channel or maybe starting a blog where you talk about movies, or you review different videos and movies or things like that. Again, you won’t make money immediately, and it’s not passive, but I think the income potential is actually much higher. Again, there are lots of options out there, but anytime someone sells you something like, “Oh, you can make hundreds of dollars just by watching videos,” and you know, something that sounds too good to be true, it probably is. So don’t get click-baited, and you know, shame on those content creators who are promoting these kinds of side hustles that are actually not real. But yeah, there you have it: that’s how you can actually watch videos for passive income. I know it’s a bit disappointing ’cause you can probably make about, you know, 50 bucks a month at most with this hustle, but that’s just my take on it. That’s what I found after testing out these sites and apps. So, give it a try if you want or skip it if it’s not for you. That’s all for this one. Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you all have a fantastic day and week, and as always, don’t forget to check out thisonlineworld.com for more unique ways to make and save money. Catch you guys in the next one.