Hey everyone, it’s Tom here with this Hope you’re all having a fantastic day today. So making $50 per day is equivalent to making $18,250 a year, and just over 100 countries in the entire world have a GDP per capita that’s higher than this. So, in most places on Earth, making $50 a day puts you in the top percentile of earners. And even in countries where people make more money, you can’t tell me it wouldn’t make your day if you found a crisp $50 bill in your jacket pocket or on the sidewalk.
And you also can’t tell me you wouldn’t be pretty stoked if you could create some kind of income-generating asset that made you $50 every single day like clockwork. And that’s why in this video, I’m covering six legitimate side hustles that have the potential to make $50 per day or even more. And I’m going to start off with some tried and true side hustles that I’m personally using, and one of them even makes over $3K a month passively for me right now. From there, the side hustles are going to get weirder and weirder, including some you haven’t heard before and including one that involves fish and worms. So it’s a little bit of a crazy one in this video. You don’t want to miss it. Let’s get to it!
Side Hustles to Make $50 Per Day
1. YouTube Channel
The first side hustle that has the potential to make $50 per day or much, much more is starting a YouTube channel. So I actually started this YouTube channel in 2021 just for a bit of context as a way to kind of make more money online rather than just blogging. I launched this channel without knowing anything about filming, anything about video editing, and I had never really run a YouTube channel before. Fast forward to today, and the channel has over 10,000 subscribers, and it’s slowly but surely approaching $50 per day in YouTube AdSense revenue. You know, it’s kind of in the $20 to $30 per day mark right now, but I think it can hit $50 pretty consistently if I keep putting out content. And so, first and foremost, just thank you for watching this video or subscribing to the channel if you have. I wanted to share these numbers just to kind of show you what’s possible with a YouTube channel if you stay consistent and put out videos for a few years.
And, you know, it might seem daunting to start a YouTube channel in 2023 or beyond, but really it’s never been easier, especially with the rise of AI tools and all of these kind of faceless AI Cash Cow YouTube channels you see popping up now. I mean, these days you can create YouTube videos from scratch with AI tools just by giving a simple text prompt. For example, some people I know use tools like InVideo to run niche faceless YouTube channels, so they create entire videos using AI and then just put some finishing touches on them like giving them captions or effects before posting them. And so really, the point here is there’s pretty much no barrier to entry to make a YouTube channel anymore. It’s faster than ever. It’s easier than ever. You don’t need to be a professional video editor or graphic designer to get started, and again with the right niche, maybe a viral video or two or a bit of luck, a channel could get to $50 per day in a matter of months or, you know, under a year. Even if it takes you a bit longer like it has with my channel, you know, you can slowly increase your income month over month if you put in the work.
2. Craigslist Cash Gigs
Alright, and the second side hustle that has the potential to make $50 per day is to do Craigslist cash gigs. Now, Craigslist is one of the oldest classified websites in the United States. You probably have some similar websites in your country where people can post things for sale or post jobs and cash gigs, but this gig is really simple. I mean, people post all kinds of gigs on Craigslist that they need help with, and you can complete them in your spare time to make some cash.
So I did a quick search on my Craigslist account in Toronto just to see what kind of gigs are out there, and some of the ones I found included freelance writing gigs, focus groups paying $20 an hour, modeling gigs, landscaping work, and moving help. I even saw one gig where someone was paying you to just be a costume mascot at kind of a party and event thing going on, and it paid $50 for about 5 hours of work. So again, if you’re willing to hustle, you can probably look on some classified websites like Craigslist, find some easy gigs, and just do them in your spare time to make some extra cash.
3. Affiliate Marketing
The third idea you can use to make $50 per day or even more, and also somewhat passively, is affiliate marketing. Now, firstly, affiliate marketing is how I make a lot of my income these days between the affiliate marketing links I have on this YouTube channel and also the affiliate marketing content on my blog. And I actually came out with a video on this channel that breaks down how I make over $100 per day with affiliate marketing right now. But if you’ve missed that video or you don’t want to watch the whole thing because it’s a bit long, the idea is actually pretty simple on paper.
So really, to make money with affiliate marketing, you just need to pick a niche you’re knowledgeable in, create excellent content about that niche, and then plug products and services you use and that makes sense to begin generating affiliate income. So again, I do this at and on this YouTube channel all the time when I mention different ways to make money online or different products and services, and they generally bring in well over $50 per day in fairly passive income at this point because it’s from content I made months or even years ago. Let me show you another example from this just to kind of cement the idea.
So I’ve been testing out survey sites for ages, and I actually have an article on the highest-paying survey sites on my website. So I tested out dozens of different survey sites, I found the highest-paying ones in this niche, and then I wrote content about it. So this article is actually full of affiliate links because a lot of these companies are willing to pay you, you know, $1 or $2 if you send them someone and they sign up for that survey site. And so every day that people read this article and then decide to sign up for these different companies, I get paid small amounts of money, and it adds up pretty quickly.
So the main downside of affiliate marketing like this is that it can take a while to build up an online brand or business. I mean, for some context, this is over 6 years old somehow at this point, so it took a while to get here. But this is a really simple example of how you can kind of create a brand in a niche and then begin making $50 per day or even more through affiliate marketing. You also don’t have to stick with a blog or YouTube channel either. I know plenty of people making great money with social media-based affiliate marketing on Pinterest or TikTok or even people who use paid ads to generate this kind of income.
4. Etsy Seller
The fourth side hustle you can use to potentially make $50 per day is to be a niche Etsy seller. Now, Etsy is one of the largest and most popular marketplaces for anything DIY or handmade, and let me be the first to say Etsy is actually very competitive. I mean, I tried selling print-on-demand mugs on Etsy back in college. I mean, these weird, like caveman meme SpongeBob mugs and tried selling them on Etsy—it was a flop. I got two sales, but it was pretty difficult. So don’t assume Etsy is really easy money. However, that said, Etsy does have immense income potential just because of how popular it is, and I think there’s a lot of money on the table if you’re willing to go into some pretty niche categories.
I mean, just check out this story I saw on CNBC about an Etsy seller making $10K a month by molding and engraving pet headstones in his backyard. That’s right, this guy has a full-time business making headstones for pets in his backyard. So when someone’s pet dies, they order a headstone on Etsy, and this guy is making thousands of dollars per month by fulfilling these orders. And, you know, people do this with all kinds of creative niches on Etsy. I know another guy who makes a full-time income as a blacksmith, and he sells thousands of dollars per month every single month on Etsy of these kind of hand-forged goods. Again, he’s making an absolute killing on Etsy. You can also do this with different print-on-demand niches. I know some people sell digital stickers or digital planners. You can do it with more crafty DIY kind of goods if you do have some skills. Again, Etsy is very competitive, but these are some examples of people who have gone very niche and been very creative, and they’re making thousands of dollars a month through their Etsy shop.
5. Farm Stuff
In the fifth side hustle you can try to make $50 per day or more, it’s a super weird one, but I stumbled across it and I wanted to throw it in this video because I thought it was hilarious, but it involves farming stuff. Let me explain. You know, I mentioned fish and worms in the intro of this video, and that’s because I saw a really crazy video on Vice about a guy who currently makes $100K a year by farming rare fish, and the best part is he does it from his apartment. That’s right, this guy has set up dozens of fish tanks in his Toronto apartment. He has a full-time job, and on the side, he breeds and sells exotic fish to pet stores.
And again, people do this with all kinds of things. I mean, there are people who do this with worm farms, and they actually supply fish and tackle shops with bait. A fish for a cent, worm? Oh, you’re paying way too much for worms, man. Who’s your worm guy? There are people who do this with grasshoppers, and they do the same thing, and they sell to pet shops. There’s actually a lot of really weird niches out there of people who farm things and then sell them to people who need that product. I mean, I go to the farmers market every couple of weekends, and there’s someone there selling very overpriced specialty mushrooms. I’m sure he’s clearing $50 per day or much, much more. My parents actually buy farm-raised chicken eggs from someone in the neighborhood. So again, there’s actually lots of really creative kind of farming-based side hustles you could check out. I wanted to throw that in this video because I thought it was pretty creative, and the guy making $100K a year selling fish—you know, hats off to him because that is absolutely an insane side hustle.
6. Airbnb Experiences
Right, and the sixth and final side hustle you could try to make $50 per day involves making money with Airbnb, but it’s not in the way you would expect. So Airbnb is known for rentals, of course, but you might not know that it actually has a new platform called Airbnb Experiences. And with Airbnb Experiences, you can offer all sorts of experiences to people to make extra cash in your spare time as a host, and you don’t need a property to get started.
I’ve actually used Airbnb Experiences a lot on my travels, and it’s, you know, a really fun way to kind of go on some walking tours or to book a day trip somewhere when you’re in a really touristy area. But there are some extremely creative hosts making great money on Airbnb Experiences, and I wanted to share a few that I found. So just taking a quick look, some of the ones I found recently included a New Orleans ghost tour walk for about $40 a person, an online origami lesson for $10 a person, and an online-only Halloween mystery dinner party for $25 a person. I even found this weird goat yoga thing near Toronto, where you do yoga and there just happens to be a bunch of goats running around, and that was like $30 or $35 a person.
And again, these hosts often have hundreds or thousands of reviews, so, you know, they’re getting bookings. In some cases, they’re making a full-time income from this experience that they’re hosting. So again, I think it’s a pretty interesting way to potentially make money online. You could offer any type of unique local experience that tourists would like to check out and really have a fun time. People are doing it all over the world, and some are making well over $50 per day.